A Smashing Year for the Canadians
2022 was a remarkable year for Canadian covered bond issuers. The Canadians issued 68 series of covered bonds in 2022 for an equivalent total of C$100,515 million, more than doubling the 30 offerings of 2021. There were 58 offerings in 2020, but 25 of those were retained offerings for repo with the central bank, so don’t count as public offerings.
In 2021, the Canadians were 20 per cent of the global market in covered bond issuance. While the final numbers for 2022 are not yet available, with 68 offerings it is likely that the Canadian banks have not slipped from that position.
In 2022, the Canadians issued in six different currencies: USD, A$, C$, CHF, £, and €. Euro was the most popular currency, with 29 offerings for €32,368 million, followed by the USD with 14 offerings for $24,705 million. RBC was the most active issuer with 18 offerings, followed by BNS with 14 offerings.
Some of the motivation for issuance likely was replacing funding obtained at the beginning of the pandemic from the Canadian central bank in 2020, when about C$90,000 million of covered bonds was taken to the central bank by the Canadian banks. Most of those loans from the central bank were two-year loans.
The elevated Canadian covered bond issuance was also responsible in large part for the largest U.S. dollar covered bond issuance since 2012. With a total U.S. dollar covered bond issuance of $32,500 million in 20 offerings in 2022, the Canadian banks accounted for $24,705 million in 14 offerings, well above their typical 50% of the market.
In 2023, Canadian banks have 43 series of covered bonds maturing, 16 of which are in euros and 13 in Canadian dollars. Of the maturing Canadian dollar series, ten of the series, representing C$33,500 million, were retained covered bonds transferred by repo to the central bank. With so many series maturing next year, it likely that 2023 is going to be another very active year for Canadian banks in covered bonds.