About this site
The purpose of the site is to promote the development of covered bonds in the United States, both as a market for bonds issued by non-U.S. institutions and as source of issuance from domestic U.S. issuers.
Jerry Marlatt is the site editor and responsible for all content. He can be reached at jmarlatt@mayerbrown.com or at jrmarlatt@gmail.com. He has been involved in more than $200 billion of covered bond offerings in Europe and the United States, starting with the first offering by a U.S. bank in September 2006 for Washington Mutual. He completed the first-ever SEC registration statement for covered bonds on behalf of the Royal Bank of Canada covered bond program and the inaugural offering of bonds by RBC under that registration statement in September 2012. See bio here.
This website is managed by admin@us-covered-bonds.com.